DJC Lecture series No1 by Dr D Srinivas Reddy, Director, CSIR-IICT, organized by Dept of Pharmaceutical chemistry, MCOPS
March 23, 2023
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, MCOPS conducted the first DJC commemorative Lecture of the DJC lecture series on 23 March 2023 at 11.30 AM in PGR lecture hall, MCOPS. Dr D.Srinivas Reddy, Director, CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad, Telangana delivered the talk on “Role of Chemistry in drug discovery process: A few case studies based on Natural products”. Dr. Reddy shared his vast knowledge in natural products drug discovery projects carried out under his guidance. He discussed various steps involved in the total synthesis of certain natural products like Licogliflozin, used for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis treatment and natural antibiotic Hunanamycin A as anti-salmonella agent and the synthesis and separation techniques for each of the 8 different natural isomers under study. He also shared details of few natural products’ synthesis that have societal use and how his research team was successful in isolating the pheromones from male mealybug and synthesising them too. More than hundred participants involving post graduate students, research scholars and faculty members of the various departments of MCOPS attended and got benefit from his lecture. The event was meticulously conducted by the HOD, Dr. Suvarna G Kini.